Part 2--Easements in Wisconsin Requirement to Republish Easement Every 40 YearsThomas B. BurtonApr 3, 20191 min readAttorney Thomas B. Burton discusses real estate easements in Wisconsin and what you should know about the requirement to republish your easement every 40 years. #RealEstate #Easements #WisconsinEasement #RealEstateAttorney #EauClaireRealEstateLawyer #EauClaireLawyer #ChippewaFallsLawyer #ChippewaFallsRealEstateLawyer #EauClaireWisconsin #WisconsinRealEstateAttorney #RealEstateInvesting #WisconsinLaw #WisconsinRealEstate
Attorney Thomas B. Burton discusses real estate easements in Wisconsin and what you should know about the requirement to republish your easement every 40 years. #RealEstate #Easements #WisconsinEasement #RealEstateAttorney #EauClaireRealEstateLawyer #EauClaireLawyer #ChippewaFallsLawyer #ChippewaFallsRealEstateLawyer #EauClaireWisconsin #WisconsinRealEstateAttorney #RealEstateInvesting #WisconsinLaw #WisconsinRealEstate