Burton Law LLC

Directions to Burton Law LLC
in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Our Eau Claire office is located on the 3rd floor of the Waterford Building at 310 Pinnacle Way, Suite 301, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. From the outside you can see the large "Goldridge" sign on the building, the name of the developers of the building. We offer covered parking for your convenience, and visitor spaces near the door, from which you can take the elevator to the 3rd floor, and enter through the glass doors the lobby for the Waterford Executive Offices. When you arrive, please tell the receptionist you are there to meet with us, and they will direct you further. If you have any trouble locating the building or the parking, please refer to these directions and in the event you need assistance on the way, please call the Waterford front desk receptionist at 715-832-5575. Please call this number only if you need help with directions or parking.
Burton Law LLC
310 Pinnacle Way, Suite 301
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
Please note if you park on the top level of the parking garage, the second level (with no roof), you can still reach our office by entering and taking the elevator to the 3rd floor, however there are steps leading to the door on the top level of the parking garage, so the easiest entrance is to enter from the ground floor on level 1 and take the elevator to the 3rd floor as explained above.
When you reach the lobby on the third floor, please proceed through the glass doors to the reception desk that says “Goldridge” on the wall behind it and tell the receptionist your name and that you have an appointment with Attorney Thomas B. Burton and they will direct you further.
Below is a series of pictures to assist you in finding our office and making your visit to our office as easy and enjoyable as possible.
Front View of Waterford Building from Business Highway 53

Enter Pinnacle Way from Business Highway 53

You Will See the Waterford Building on your Left

Proceed Straight on Pinnacle Way and Take the
First Left at the T Intersection

After Turning Left at the T Intersection You Will see 310 on the Waterford Building on Your Left

Proceed Straight and Enter the Ground Level Covered Parking on the Left When You See This Sign

Proceed Straight into Free Covered Parking and
Take First Left Towards Visitor Parking

After Turning Left You Will See Visitor Spaces Located Ahead Along the Right Wall
(If all the visitor Spaces are full, you may park anywhere you wish for free)

Visitor Parking Spaces for Clients and Guests

After Parking a Sign on the Left Directs You to
the Main Entrance of the Waterford Building

Enter the Building and Take the Elevator to
the 3rd Floor- Waterford Executive Offices

Select 3rd Floor for Waterford Executive Offices

Exit Elevator and Proceed Directly Into the Waterford Executive Offices Lobby, Suite 301